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Attract Winter Birds

Nick Lott

Our inventory changes frequently, contact us for availability and prices.


This tree is dense, with a pyramidal shape and clusters of small seed-bearing cones. It has a classic conifer look, offering generous cover for birds. Another plus: You have plenty of cultivars to choose from.

(Thuja standishii x plicata, Zones 4 to 8)

Black chokeberry

A lovely and low-maintenance shrub year-round, this chokeberry develops bluish-black fruit that attracts songbirds in fall and winter. Plants grow to be 3 to 6 feet tall and up to 10 feet wide; they do best in sun or part shade and moist, well-draining soil.

(Aronia melanocarpa, Zones 3 to 9)

Blue spruce

Birds love the thick branches and prickly needles that provide winter shelter. The cones produce seed for food. This tree will do best in full sun and will grow up to 60 feet tall.

(Picea pungens, Zones 2 to 8)


Often used for hedges and topiaries, this dense evergreen shrub is covered in masses of green or variegated foliage and thrives in partial shade. Its density makes it a favorite of birds for winter cover. Many slow-growing cultivars reach just 5 feet or less.

(Buxus species, Zones 4 to 9)


Looking for beauty in your backyard beyond fall? The firethorn is right for you. Firethorn has glossy green foliage for most of the year, but it’s the compact bunches of pea-size berries that get all the attention.

(Pyracantha coccinea, Zones 5 to 9)

Hawthorn Tree

Commonly used as a border tree in backyard landscapes, hawthorn is a haven for birds looking for nesting and perching sites. The tree thrives in full sun and grows to be 20 to 45 feet tall.

(Crataegus, Zones 3 to 9)


Hemlock trees are shade-tolerant, especially when they’re young, and are popular for hedges. One variety in particular, Cole’s Prostrate, has a weeping look with a low, spreading habit and cascading branches. It provides dense shelter for ground-feeding birds like towhees and juncos.

(Tsuga, Zones 4 to 8)


This winter classic is practically a necessity for bird lovers. Its beautiful green foliage supplies winter protection for flying visitors, and its bright berries are nourishing. Different species range from small bushes to 60-foot trees.

(Ilex species, Zones 5 to 9)


Few deciduous shrubs are as showy in winter as winterberry. It drops its leaves in fall, so nothing detracts from the brilliance of the red berries. Many gardeners find winterberry a must for cold-weather landscaping, and it’s easy to see why. You’ll love the colorful fruit, and the birds will love you for growing it.

(Ilex verticillata, Zones 3 to 9)

Plan your landscaping to attract birds all year.

Landscaping services available, contact today for design consultation.


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