source: GreenThumb
Oregano is quite easy to grow and it can be grown indoors at home. It requires little attention, so it is perfect for gardening beginners.
Oregano is part of the mint family and it is very closely related to the Marjoram plant. Oregano is also sometimes called “wild marjoram”.
Propagation Of Oregano
You can propagate oregano in three ways: cuttings seeds and divisions.
Oregano seeds are very small, it’s recommended to tap the seeds in the pot and cover lightly with a layer of soil.
What Is The Best Soil For Growing Oregano?
Oregano plants thrive in well-drained, light and fertile soils. You can add 1/3 part of aged manure of compost in the potting soil to increase organic matter. The ideal soil pH for oregano is between 6.7 -7.0.
You should water your oregano, every time you feel the topsoil is dry to touch. But be careful not to overwater this plant.
Oregano doesn’t demand much water like mint. You’ll enjoy great aromatic flavor if you ensure the plants aren’t overwatered.
Oregano will thrive well in partial to full sunlight, but you’ll get a better flavor if you grow the plant in full-day sunshine.
When growing these plants indoors, make sure they receive adequate sun and heat.
Natural light
In the chilly winter, note south-facing windows have the highest amount of sunshine beside most hours of sunlight.
Thus this is the ideal location for your indoor herbs such as oregano, basil, thyme, and bay laurel.
The east-facing windows receive about six hours of sunshine per day, and most remain color.
These aren’t ideal locations for oregano but herbs that prefer cooler temperatures such as parsley, mint, chervil, and chives
Grow lights
All herbs grown indoors will thrive better if you use full-spectrum grow lights if they can’t access adequate sunlight.
The plants should be at a distance of a foot from the grow bulbs; read and follow the instructions given by the manufacturer. Adjust the light requirements depending on the plant.
If you’re growing oregano using these lights you can have the lights on for 8-12 hours each day.
If your oregano plants are bushy, you’ll need to prune them while they’re still young. Your indoor oregano plant should be at least 4 inches high.
Once they have achieved this height pinch the top of the plant above the leaf node; this will ensure you have a lush and robust plant.
It’s important to note; oregano doesn’t require high soil fertility.
If you had previously added aged manure or compost to your potting soil, there’s no need to fertilize the plants not unless the plants display stunted growth.
Alternatively, you may apply 10-10-10 liquid fertilizer or NPK 5-10-5, once or twice every month.
Note: Over-fertilizing your oregano will affect the flavor and aroma.